
It always feels too soon to leap. But you have to. Because that’s the moment between you and remarkable. I hope this helps you return to that edge. And then, to leap.

—Seth Godin

Integrative Psychotherapy

I offer Psychotherapy that is grounded in relationship-centered transformation and a deeper connection to awareness, oneself and to your relationships.

I work with individuals and couples across a variety of areas and challenges. I work with depression, anxiety, substance use and addiction, trauma, relationship difficulties, grief, loss and transitions, coming out, gender identity, self-esteem, systemic oppression and spiritual dimensions of life. I work from a variety of lenses including mindfulness- based, Buddhist Psychology, Psychodynamic, and a relationship and trauma informed approach to healing and well-being.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction explores one’s relationship with the spiritual aspects of being human. This process allows for space and intention to encounter and engage sacred stories and the meaning they bring to our lives.

This process is one of companioning another as they touch the deep meanings their unique life story while they are listened to deeply and follow a path into places that have been unexplored or are being rediscovered. It is a dynamic and evolving journey that you lead in which we are both grounded/rooted in wonder, possibility, connection and dynamic living.

Transformational Life Coaching

I am deeply invested in working with you as you reimagine your life path, purpose and meaning. Life coaching supports both your clarity and taking action, finding both where you want to go and how to get there.

Together we will celebrate your successes and challenges as you harvest the fruit of your efforts. I work with you in a deliberate way while kindly nudging you to move past limiting beliefs, habits and patterns to grow. I work with people to change jobs and careers, transition in relationships, find new ways of knowing themselves, to find more joy, to take greater risks and to move toward living a life in greater resonance with their beliefs.

Clinical Social Work Supervision

I offer individual and group supervision for LSW and LGSW’s seeking support, guidance and practice experience and wisdom to develop and deepen your skills as a social worker. I work from a holistic, mind-body-spirit frame and a justice-minded lens as we meet the suffering of human beings and systems in our complex world.

Consultation and Training

I offer training and consultation in the community as well. Please contact me to learn more.

CEB & Meditation Classes

Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) & Meditation Classes are offered on a seasonal basis. Classes are currently closed—check back next season to see what classes will be available.

Service Fees

Intake initial therapy session: $200.00

55-minute therapy session: $175.00

Life Coaching: $150.00/session

Spiritual Direction: $100.00/session

LICSW Supervision: $80/session